Speech: NGC Group Long-Service Awards

Chairman, Gerry C. Brooks

Ladies and gentlemen of the National Gas Company and National Energy, it is my absolute pleasure to welcome you as we mark another milestone year. I first wish to congratulate all of you, and I want to personally acknowledge and honour your dedicated service and outstanding contributions.

Two and a half years ago, I urged you to reach beyond the merely good to achieve the great. Good is the enemy of great. And so you did! at a time when the economic environment is still challenging but with green shoots of growth emerging, the ngc group has produced an encouraging performance, the highlight of which is a 37.3% increase in after-tax profit.

This profit increase represents more than just growth and success. It is a vindication of the strategic recalibration of the entire ngc group over the past two years. It also stands as irrefutable evidence of your response to the call to commit yourself to the success of this pivotal state enterprise.

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President, Mark Loquan

Good afternoon and a warm welcome to our awardees – our guests of honour at this celebratory event. As the speaker that stands between you and lunch, I know I need to be brief. However, please permit me a minute or two to reflect on why we are here this afternoon.

This is my first Awards Ceremony since assuming office, and I must admit, I am humbled by the experience gathered in this room. Seated among us are men and women who have spent decades serving The NGC Group and by extension, Trinidad and Tobago. Men and women who have helped forge the companies that are responsible for making this country a leading exporter of petrochemicals and LNG, attracting world class players to our shores. NGC and National Energy – these are brands. They were borne out of the imagination of people coming together and creating a new gas based industry. The people behind these organisations brought the idea of a gas based industry to life which has grown to become the engine for our economy.
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