The Public’s Right to Access Information under the Freedom of Information Act relating to NGC and its Operations
FOIA Public Statement 2019
The Freedom of Information Act, Chapter 22:02 (‘the Act’) gives members of the public:
- A legal right to access information held by a public authority (as defined in the Act);
- A legal right to have official information relating to him / her amended where it is incomplete, incorrect, or misleading;
- A legal right to obtain reasons for adverse decisions made regarding an applicant’s request for information under the Act;
- A legal right to refer matters to the Ombudsman and to apply to the High Court for Judicial Review to challenge adverse decisions made under the Act.
The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (‘NGC’) is required by virtue of the Act to publish certain information for the benefit of the public. This includes information regarding the structure and functions of NGC and a list of the categories of documents held by NGC. It also requires NGC to identify those documents which are eligible / available for public access under the Act and sets out how to obtain the same.
The following information satisfies the legislative requirements of the Act and is an Updated Public Statement pursuant to Section 7(1)(b) of the Act. The following information has been approved by the Minister of Energy and Energy Industries.