NGC has long since recognised that the fight against climate change can only be successful if there is an ecosystem of partners and stakeholders committed to knowledge sharing and integrating skills to build a sustainable energy future for the Caribbean. As a demonstration of this ethos, NGC signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Caribbean Community Centre for
Climate Change (CCCCC) to mutually cooperate in areas and activities that can positively impact regional climate change.
The MOU, focuses heavily on strengthening the rigour of the collection and analysis of climate change data to support evidence-based decision-making throughout CARICOM. It also allows for information from the CCCCC’s Regional Clearinghouse Database to be shared on NGC’s CariGreen website, to encourage greater accessibility, availability and use of regional climate change data.
CariGreen was launched in June 2021 to facilitate investor, academic and citizen research into clean energy. The 2.0 version will be available by the end of May 2022