The NGC Trinidad and Tobago Sweet Tassa Group talks about the history of tassa and what the group does to keep the traditions alive.
In this episode:
- Zico Cozier, Host, Trinidad is a Real Place
- Lenny Kumar, Managing Director, NGC T&T Sweet Tassa
- Lenora Kumar, NGC T&T Sweet Tassa (All-Female Band)
- Ehan Dass, NGC T&T Sweet Tassa (Sweet Tassa Academy)
- Zakaire Omarie Blackburn, NGC T&T Sweet Tassa (Sweet Tassa Academy)
- Alejandro Prince, NGC T&T Sweet Tassa (Sweet Tassa Academy)
- Nikoli Rajkumar, NGC T&T Sweet Tassa (Sweet Tassa Academy)
‘Trinidad is a Real Place’ is produced by Trinidad and Tobago Television, sponsored by The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited.