After successfully implementing and managing a 315-hectare reforestation exercise as part of its ethos of ‘No Net Loss’, The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) is hoping to leverage the versatility of forests to support sustainability. Using a more holistic approach and by extending the project into a broader programme, NGC is executing ‘Beyond 315’. One of the initiatives under Beyond 315, was a five-day beekeeping workshop geared towards reforestation workers.
The workshop, ‘A Start-up Colony’, introduced the members of the Rio Claro Reforestation Group to facets of setting up a functioning apiary unit. Nine participants from the reforestation group were trained alongside six persons from the Apiary Unit.
Consisting of theoretical and practical sessions, the workshop was delivered by the Northern Apiary Section, Apiary Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources four certified apiarists and a consultant from the El Reposo Demonstration Station, Sangre Grande.