Even amidst the need to maintain social distancing, NGC is seeking alternative ways to engage with our stakeholders. The company has made it a mandate to continue developing our CSR partners and finding innovative ways to implement planned programmes, despite the challenges of Covid-19.
On August 18th 2020, NGC hosted an Online Career and Life Skills Development Symposium for the Youth Elite Programme (YEP) athletes focusing on the areas of social media etiquette, mental health and career guidance. The online symposium was meant to build the capacity of these talented young athletes beyond their track and field careers and further develop them into well rounded, contributing members of society.
The YEP was launched in 2017 by NGC, in partnership with The National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad & Tobago (NAAATT). The NGC NAAATT YEP facilitates the holistic development of young track and field athletes between the ages of 14 and 20, who have been identified as having ‘podium-potential’ by 2024. The programme aims to have a cadre of athletes who will be prepared physically, emotionally, socially and technically to improve their confidence and performance in the sport.