Media Release
NGC Navigating to Sustainable Energy Ventures
25th June, 2018
“Much of what is needed is already in our hands. All that is left to do is to find the will to rally ourselves and the various other interests behind the single idea that the sustainability, viability and future of Trinidad and Tobago depend on making the switch to clean energy now.” That was the call-to-action delivered by NGC’s HSE, Lead, Mr. Jerson Wattie on Day One of the recently concluded Clean Energy Conference, which was held at the Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business on June 7 and 8, 2018.
More than a decade after the Energy Chamber identified energy efficiency and renewable energy as an urgent agenda for the energy sector, less than one percent of our energy still comes from renewable sources. We know more can be done. If, as an industry, we solidified our collaboration and acted now, we have a chance of accomplishing what has been unachievable in the past ten years.
Photo 01 – HSE Lead, Jerson Wattie, delivers the sponsors remarks on Day 1 of the Conference.
Photo 02 – Shane Wilson, GIS Assistant II, delivers the NGC presentation at the Clean Energy Conference.