May I also congratulate Shell on [its] proactive use of technology to increase local gas supply to bring more Gas to market. Together, the possibilities of the Shell / GoRTT / NGC partnership are infinite. It has been reflected in the resurgence of Starfish and Dolphin. There is the potential of the Dragon Field, Loran Manatee and local fields. These equally rich possibilities are under discussion and in NGC, you will continue to find a willing partner ready to leverage opportunities, locally, regionally and internationally.
—Professor Gerry C. Brooks, Chairman, NGC Group of Companies
Today is the outcome of a relationship that has been cultured and worked on for years. As with all relationships, there have been differences which had to be settled. But at the end of the day, it was a spirit of openness, trust and accountability that steered us to this outcome. It is important to develop relationships with those who will make you stretch and push you to your full abilities.
As such, symbolically, this term sheet reaffirms our mutual commitment to continuing our productive, long-term partnership with Shell that will generate benefits for all stakeholders well into the future. NGC thanks Shell.
—Mr. Mark Loquan, President, NGC