NGC’s natural gas pipelines are buried safely underground.
They are marked in a variety of ways, making their locations easy to identify. Just look for yellow marker posts or plates, as well as yellow stencilled markers on roadways.
If you intend to:
- execute construction activity;
- use heavy equipment;
- install pipeline, cable, ducting, etc;
- install signage, barriers, fences, poles, etc;
or conduct any works within 25 feet of NGC’s pipeline corridor and related facilities, you must adhere to the following guidelines.
- A written notice must be given to NGC two (2) weeks prior to proposed activity, including details such as nature of works, sketches and construction drawings as appropriate.
- If the location of works relative to NGC’s assets is unclear, kindly notify NGC and we will advise.
Correspondence should be directed to:
NGC’s Right of Way Maintenance Department
In the event of an emergency, please contact, NGC’s toll free number
800-4GAS (4427)